What's up, guys? Welcome back. If you're looking for a quick and easy dinner recipe, then you're in the right spot. Today, I'm going to show you my recipe for Steak Diane. Now, I'm not quite sure who Diane is, but I know this recipe is absolutely delicious. It comes together super quick and easy, and it has a lot of origins and French cuisine. You find it a lot of French restaurants. You deglazed the skillet with a little cognac, which is from France also. Nice mushroom cream sauce. We're going to plate that on top of some mashed potatoes. But before we get into the recipe, please take a quick second to subscribe to the channel. Make sure you hit that bell to enable notifications as well. All right, guys, meet me in the kitchen. Let's make it happen. First things first, let's take a look at these ingredients. Today we're using filet mignon. You can use whatever steak cut is on sale. These are absolutely beautiful. I couldn't pass them up at Wagman's. Nice prime filet. We've got some garlic. We've got shallot. We've got our potatoes, which is going to be our side dish today. We've got some mushrooms.

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You can use bella or white mushrooms, whatever floats your boat. We've got some Dijon mustard, tomato paste, heavy cream, beef broth, and a little cognac. All right, my friends, the very first step you want to do here is to go ahead and season the steak. I'm going to season it heavily with some kosher salt. I want to do this at least 30 minutes to an hour before we go ahead and cook it. I like to do this on a plate, too, so you can roll the steak around. That way, you're not wasting any salt on your counter. Just keep it on the plate. You can roll the steak in to get the edges. All right, so this recipe traditionally comes with mashed potatoes, which is what we're doing today. But if you wanted to use rice or cauliflower rice or cauliflower mash from Mykato folks, that's an option as well. Today we're using rested potatoes. We've already peeled them. We're going to go ahead and give them a rough chop. That way they cook a little faster for us. Once we chop them up, we're going to place them in a pot and clean them with some cold water.

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Make sure you rinse off any dirt and whatnot. Real simple, guys. Great mashed potato recipe on the way for you. Let me know in the comments what you would pair this meal with, and also let me know if you've ever had steak, Diane. They do serve at places like Cheesecake Factory as well. As you can see, we've got some potatoes and some clean water. If the water is clean, that means your potatoes are clean, so rinse them until your water looks nice and clear like so. Bring them to a boil until they're fork tender. All right, guys, we're going to add the rest of our season into the steak. I'm going down with my AP conditioning, which has some garlic, some onion powder, some black pepper, and a little chili powder. My AP, luckily, is low sodium, so we just heavily salted it already, so no need to go crazy on the salt. The chili powder is there to add a little bit of spice, not much, but really it's going to help get a nice dark color on your sear, which is what I like. Add some Southwestern flavors a little bit too, which isn't really traditional for this recipe, but I like it, so that's what I'm doing.

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All right, guys, we're to get the party started by cooking our steaks. We've got our skillet heated over medium, high heat. We're to add a couple of tablespoons of avocado oil, which has the highest smoke point, mild flavor. That's why I like to use it. Just to make sure you've got enough in there to coat the bottom of your skillet. You can use a cast iron for this as well. This has just been one of my go-to skillet lately. So once the skillet is smoking hot, we're going to add in our perfectly seasoned filet mignon. Always try to lay the meat away from you, then press down to ensure that the meat is making maximum surface area contact with the skillet, which is going to result in a perfectly even and beautiful crust. Another quick little pro tip or way you can cheat is to take a heavy bottom pot or skillet like this one, place it on top of your steaks, and press down, forcing it to make surface area contact with the skillet. It doesn't get a whole lot much more even than that. We're going to flip it over, get a nice char or crust on the other side as well.

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Then we're going to pop it on one of these small baking sheets and finish it in the oven. So when I'm cooking a filet, I like to sear the edges as well. You don't have to do it for nearly as long. Just give it a little bit of color, roll them around a little bit. Do that for both of your steaks. That chili powder gives a real nice color on the steak, almost like a coffee rub, which is what I really like. So once you have your steak, steak, seared to perfection, like I said, we're going to add it to this baking sheet, and that's going in the oven at 400 until the steak reaches your desired internal temperature or doneness, which I'll put in the description box. So once you remove the steak, we're going to add in a couple of tablespoons of butter. Once that butter melts, we're going in with our mushrooms first to let them cook down. Get up some of that fond and flavor off the bottom of the skillet and go your mushrooms. I'm going to add a little bit of rosemary in there. You could chop it up if you want to.

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I just want the flavor to get in there. I don't necessarily want chunks of rosemary. So you could blend it up, use dried rosemary, or you can just use this technique where you throw the whole spring of rosemary in there and you get the flavor without everything else. So as you can see, the mushrooms are cooking down beautifully, getting a nice golden-brown color. You can smell the rosemary. The rosemary has done its job. Thank you for your service. We're going to go ahead and remove that. There's a little bit left behind. I'm not going to cry about it, but the flavor is there. The smell is there. That's what you want. Once you see your mushrooms are getting nice and golden brown like that, we're going to go ahead and add in the shallot. Let that cook for a minute and then we'll add in our garlic. Now the shallots got a Head Start. In goes the garlic. Using fresh garlic today. Now immediately, the house is smelling phenomenal. We're to add our season in towards the end because we are going to use a little bit of this better than bouillon beef-based, which if you've ever used, you know that it has quite a bit of sodium in it.

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So you don't want to go too crazy on the salt for the rest of the sauce. But we're just using a little bit, maybe a half a teaspoon just to amplify the beef flavor there. We're also going to add a teaspoon or two of Dijon mustard and a teaspoon or two of tomato paste. Quick reminder, guys, that all the specific measurements and ingredients for this recipe can be found in the description box below, so don't forget to check that out. In goes a teaspoon of soy sauce and a couple of teaspoons of, worse word in the world, sauce. We're going to mix that in and then we're going to deglaze with the cognac, a little flambée to show off. Beautiful color developing here. All right, guys, don't try this at home if you're new to this. In goes the cognac. You can ignite it and just let the liquor cook off. It takes a minute or two. It's going to be a little scary at first, but I promise it's not that bad. Take a little sip in the heated action. Once the alcohol is cooked off, we're going to go ahead and give it a mix.

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Then in goes a half cup of beef broth. Once you bring that to a simmer, we're going to add in a third cup of heavy cream, and you have yourselves a fantastic sauce to go with your steak. We are going to season to taste at the very end, a little salt and pepper. It's all you're going to need after you got all those flavors in there. So after a minute or two guys at a nice simmer like so, the sauce will start to reduce and thicken up, at which point we're going in with a third cup of heavy cream. I'm going to bring that to a boil and then reduce that down to a simmer, season to taste, and you have your sauce for your steak, Diane. Super easy, guys. You don't have to do the fire part. Don't burn your kitchen down on my account. All right, so once you got your sauce right where you want it, guys, we're going to just finish it off with a little